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UX Research Consulting & Services

Without customers, there can be no profit.

That’s why we always start with your customer. Why do they come to your site versus your competitors? What are they thinking and feeling as they browse? What clues are they giving us that can help us anticipate their needs?

Being customer centric is central to who we are. Our research team has developed a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches to help us ensure your customers are represented in your testing strategy.

Our Services

  • User Research

    Through a combination of research methods, we’ll gather quantitative and qualitative insights about your site visitors. This information can be used to inform your overall website experience, or applied to a single A/B test to uncover the “why” behind the results.

  • Website UX Audit & Analysis

    By diving into your site’s analytics, we’ll uncover the most profitable areas of your website. Combine this with our usability research, and you’ll walk away knowing what pages and features to test and in which order to test them.

  • Competitive Audit

    Understand what your customers need to know in order to choose your product over that of your competitors. Through a combination of methods, we’ll analyze your website against your competitors, and identify the biggest drivers for conversion.

  • Customer Journey Analysis

    By taking a critical look at your customers’ journey to and through your website, you’ll understand what your customers expect when landing on your website and how they interact with your site while they’re there. Based on this information, we’ll provide a prioritized list of testing opportunities to increase conversion and engagement.

“Brooks Bell brings a data-driven methodology to building new features. Developing new tests and variations is much more complicated than I thought. Our testing culture has changed from one based on opinions and ideas to pointing to data that says we definitely made the product better.”

— Mobile Product Director

Leading American Fast Food Brand

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