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: Program Management

Effective Facilitation Skills for Digital Leaders

What's worse than sitting through poorly-run meeting? Well, leading a poorly-run meeting, for one. That's why even the most seasoned leaders will benefit from our latest workshop on effective facilitation and brainstorming. Watch our latest,...

How to Become an Insight-Driven Organization in 2024

Eight qualities that separate the modern, insight-driven organization from the rest. The journey for many organizations to becoming more insight-driven often begins with a commitment to customer-centricity and a desire to transform. This shift promises...

The Pitfalls of Change Management 

It’s 11:03 on Tuesday morning and you are meeting with your product and engineering teams explaining the newest changes coming to the organization. You’ve just announced that teams will be reorganized around product areas instead...

Unlocking Change At Scale

New strategies for leaders to push their organization beyond pockets of innovation to actual enterprise-wide transformation. Introducing our latest pre-recorded session hosted by Dan Romanow, Director of Strategic Consulting and head of our Change Management...

How to Kill A Silo

Silos serve as the great organizers of our world.  In sports, players excel in very specific positions with very specific skill sets. In buildings that surround us, each floor is likely a different company, different...

Dynamic Research Integration: Unleashing the True Power of Insights

In a world increasingly driven by data and insights, the ability to harness and effectively utilize research is paramount. Yet, the proliferation of fragmented research chunks often stymies the optimization potential of many businesses. The...

Performance Management: Pioneering Precision in Organizational Alignment 

In an era where agility and adaptability are the cornerstones of success, the significance of coherent organizational objectives can't be overstressed. Navigating through the labyrinth of modern business requires not just vision but precision in...

Building Insight-Driven Organizations with Industry Trend Forecasting & Emerging Practices

Relying on outdated practices is no longer an option. At Brooks Bell, we are committed to helping organizations become insight-driven and stay ahead of the curve. As the VP of Solutions at Brooks Bell, I...

From Fortune 500 to Obsolete: How Insight-Driven Organizations Avoid Failure

Is your organization moving at the speed of change in customer expectations? An organization's ability to keep up with the pace of change can be the line between flourishing and fading away. The American Enterprise...

Build an Insight Engine with an Insights Center of Excellence (iCOE)

Uncovering customer insights and applying them at scale is critical. Understanding customer needs, preferences, and behaviors are core competencies at best in class organizations. As VP of Strategic Consulting & Solutions at Brooks Bell, I'd...

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