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: Strategy

Black Friday’s Big Test

Our latest industry report is filled with illuminate's data-packed insights from peak season trends combined with online behaviors during COVID-19. Will you successfully navigate this year's holiday shopping season? Don't leave opportunity on the table...read...

Can You Trust The Results of Your Website Tests During a Pandemic?

Over the last few months, gathering with testing and optimization leaders in weekly, virtual roundtables to discuss the various challenges we're facing. Week over week, in nearly every single conversation, the same question has been...

Black Swan or Blue Sky? COVID-19 could be both.

Though we probably don’t need a reminder, it seems that every commercial we encounter these days reinforces the idea that we’re in an unsettling, unprecedented time.  And without diminishing the magnitude and complexity of what...

Takeaways from 8 weeks of Virtual Roundtables

COVID-19 has redefined business as usual. See how experimentation leaders are managing through it. On March 27th, 2020, we hosted our first virtual, Click Summit-style conversation regarding how testing program leaders are adapting their experimentation strategy...

Hide, Panic or Freeze: What Science Says About Consumer Behavior During A Crisis

As markets reel from the effects of COVID-19, and we all collectively batten down the hatches, I turned to the one thing I knew I could count on in this crazy world: science. Thanks, in...

The Key To Driving Digital Innovation Through Experimentation: What’s Missing From Your Strategy

In my first six months as CEO of Brooks Bell, I’ve traveled around the country meeting with experimentation leaders at some of the world’s biggest enterprises. In these meetings, we talk about the maturity of...

Behavioral Economics In Action: Four Key Principles To Increase Your Website Conversions

Is your digital experience built for real shopper behavior? When building a product or website, we often assume our customers will behave logically. But in reality, they largely don’t. The good news is that this...

The Psychology of a Sale

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – you know, that time where you’re continuously bombarded with sales – no matter if you’re strolling through a grocery store, perusing the shops at your local...

Video: How to Prioritize Your Customer Segments for Personalization

Let's be honest--no company has personalization completely figured out yet. In fact, half the battle can be determining when, where and to whom you should be personalizing. Join Brooks Bell Sr. Optimization Analyst Shana Braun...

What’s the Deal with Bayesian A/B Testing?

In recent years, Bayesian inference has become increasingly popular among researchers and this interest has begun spilling over into business applications, such as A/B testing. So, what is Bayesian A/B testing? How is it being...

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